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Trusted by Drivers Since 1963

Since our establishment in 1963, AAMCO has been the go-to for over 20 million drivers for their transmission service needs. At AAMCO Aiken, we continue this legacy of trust and reliability, ensuring that every vehicle that enters our shop is in top condition. Our licensed, professional mechanics team has the tools and knowledge to handle various automotive services, from transmission repair to brake replacement. Our expertise spans foreign and domestic cars, trucks, and SUVs, making us an all-inclusive auto repair center for all vehicle owners in Aiken, SC. Please book an appointment with us today and experience the quality of service that has kept us in business for over five decades.

diagnostic report

Industry-Leading Warranty

We understand the challenges that come with choosing a dependable auto repair service. Here at AAMCO Aiken, we strive to ease your worries by offering a comprehensive warranty that reflects our unwavering confidence in the quality of our work. If you are dissatisfied with our service, any AAMCO center nationwide is readily available to resolve any concerns. Rest assured that our team of experienced mechanics is dedicated to providing top-notch auto services that meet your needs and deliver peace of mind for a worry-free driving experience.

Comprehensive Transmission Repair and Much More

As a local and independently-owned auto repair center in Aiken, SC, AAMCO Aiken is committed to providing personalized care to all its customers. Choosing us means choosing a member of the AAMCO family, renowned for its exceptional service quality. Our experienced and certified technicians prioritize your needs, never pushing unnecessary services but focusing on delivering superior repair and replacement services for your vehicle. We use high-quality parts for every repair, ensuring durability and longevity.

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